Five Benefits of PropTech for Hospitality

PropTech is the buzz word in commercial real estate right now and our five benefits of PropTech for hospitality blog explains simply what it is and how hoteliers can best utilise it to improve their all-round service proposition and business results. Finally, online casinos offer different kinds of money casino banking methods. Some of them use bank transfers, while others …

Guest Room Management Systems Explained

Guestroom Management Systems Explained

The irony of this blog for me is that the critical thing about guest room management systems is that if you have to explain it, you’ve probably failed to deliver it. These systems should always be intuitive and transparent.  No need to press all the buttons to see what they do. No need to walk around the room trying to …

5 top tips for creating sustainable hotels

Our 5 top tips for creating sustainable hotels blog is designed to give you a simple starting point and some accessible advice to start your journey to create a net zero hotel.

Our 5 top tips for creating sustainable hotels blog is designed to give you a simple starting point and some accessible advice to start your journey to create a net zero hotel. Sustainability is undoubtedly going to be an increasing selling point for the travel industry, The discerning traveller wants to see the world without doing harm. To meet that …